Artist Models

Trisha Brown

Trisha Brown is an American choreographer, dancer, and designer. Brown’s artworks capture movement in an effortless state. Though her canvas remains a static object her drawings encapsulate a continuous sense of movement, provoking the eye to dance through the composition with rhythm and time, therefore inviting the audience in as part of the performance. Through my analysis of movement and shift within the site, it raised questions about the manipulation and control of movement (decreasing and increasing the audience movement and engagement with the site). This is when the idea of choreography came to my attention, would creating a timed and exaggerated use of movement within the audience to articulate their spatial connection to the site?


Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle is a performative artist who works in a variation of mediums. Her compositions I have been analysing tend to draw on a timeline structure, that carries the audience on a voyage as each scene establishes an integral piece of the narrative in order to interpret the story as a whole. When creating my analysis of the site I followed Calle’s techniques of still image to allow the audience to identify each image as an important layer to the understanding of the whole site.

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